solar panel cleaning service


Map East Rand

If you own or maintain solar panels for your business or home you will undoubtedly be keen on reaping the financial rewards from your solar panels and seeing your monetary R.O.I as soon as possible. Routine cleaning of your solar panels will help you do just that. Murky solar panels can hamper your savings efforts considerably over time. Maintaining your solar panels through a regular cleaning schedule results in clean and clear solar panels meaning more light is absorbed through panels increasing power generation, saving you money in the long-run.

Give us a call on 011 609 9288

Map East Rand

If you own or maintain solar panels for your business or home you will undoubtedly be keen on reaping the financial rewards from your solar panels and seeing your monetary R.O.I as soon as possible. Routine cleaning of your solar panels will help you do just that. Murky solar panels can hamper your savings efforts considerably over time. Maintaining your solar panels through a regular cleaning schedule results in clean and clear solar panels meaning more light is absorbed through panels increasing power generation, saving you money in the long-run.

Give us a call on 011 609 9288

“Murky solar panels can hamper your savings efforts considerably over time.”

solar panel cleaning company


Health and Safety are strong focus areas for our business, ensuring that staff are safe as they work with building heights of up to 33m. Our access platforms allow work to be carried out in a manner that reduces risks and encourages safe operations for all involved.

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Solar panel cleaning services


Cleaning Specialists have the necessary cleaning materials that allow for professional delivery of our solar panel cleaning service. Our staff know how to effectively and efficiently clean with our value proposition focused on quality and holistic cleaning of solar panels.

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solar panel washing company


Our cleaning technicians are thoroughly trained in solar panel cleaning and are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times.

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Need professional solar panel cleaning services?

Don’t hesitate, contact The Cleaning Specialists for a free quote!


Our cleaning services have been trusted and recommended since 1991

Our staff are skillfully trained, industry certified and highly skilled

We’re members of the National Contract Cleaners Association (NCCA)

All technicians are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to ensure their safety where required

Get in touch – Send us an Email

    Our East Rand Cleaning Specialists Branch covers the following areas:

    Acacia Park | Actionville | Activia Park | Airfield | Albemarle | Allen Grove | Alliance | Alphen Park | Anderbolt | Angelo | Angus | Antwerp | Anzac | Aston |Atlas | Atlasville | Aurum | Bardene | Barlett | Barton | Bazelo | Bellevue | Benoni | Benoni Extension | Benoni Orchards | Berton Park | Beyerspark | Birch Acres | Birchleigh North | Boksburg | Bonaero Park | Boswellville | Brakpan | Brenthurst  | Brentwood Park | Breswol | Buurendal | Caro Nome | Cason | Casseldale | Castleview| Chloorskop | Cilvale | Cinderella | Clarenspark | Cloverdene | Cloverfield | Comet | Cresslawn | Croydon | Crystal Park | Daggafontein | Dal Fouche | Dalview | Dania Park | Dasseldale| Daveyton | Dawn Park | Dawnview | Dayanglen | De Klerkshof | De Walt Hatting | Deep Levels | Delmore | Delville | Denlee | Denneford | Dersley | Dewald Hatting | Dewitrus | Dinwiddie| Dowerglen | Draaikraal | Driehoek | Duduza | Dunnotter | Dunswart | Dunvegan | East Geduld | Eastleigh | Eastvale | Ecaleni | Edelweiss | Edenglen | Edenvale | Edenway | Edleen | Ehlazeni | Elandsfontein | Elandsvlei | Elbemarle | Elma Park | Eloff | Elsburg | Elsies Hof | Elspark | Emagweni | Embalehle | Emfihlweni | Emkatini | Emoyeni | Endicott | Enstra | Esangweni | Esiziba| Esizongweni | Esselen Park | Essexwood | Estera | Esterpark | Ethafeni | Etwatwa | Evanross | Eveleigh | Fairlead | Fararmere | Farrar | Fishers Hill | Fortuna | Freeway Park | Fulcrum | Gahlanzo| Geduld | Geldenhuys | Geluksdal | George Town | Gerdview | Glen Marais | Glenroy | Goedeburg | Gordons View | Gorforth Park | Government Village | Groeneweide | Greenstone | Grootvaly | Grynfield | Harmelia | Hartbeesfontein | Hazel Park | Hazeldene | Henville | Highway Gardens | Hill Rise | Hillcrest Far | Hoemfield | Holfontein | Homestead | Hospital View | Hughes | Huntingdon | Hurley Vale | Ibaxa | Iggagoa | Ililiba | Illiondale | Impala Park | Inglethorpe | Intokzo | Inixweni | Isando | Isandovale | Isekelo | Isiphetweni | Isithame | Isivana | Itwatwa | Jan Smuts Airport | Jansen Park | Jansmutsville | Jatniel | Jet Park | Jiyana | Johannesburg Airport | Junction Hill |  Kaalfontein | Kate Hamel | Katroskontein | Kaydale | Kempton Park | Kenleaf | Khatamping | Kilfenora | Klippoortjie | Klopperpark | Knights | Knoppiesfontein | Kopanong | Kraal | Krugerrus | Kruinhof | Kwa Thema | Lobore | Lake Field | Lambton | Lambton Gardens | Largo | Larrendale | Leachville | Leberdene | Leboeng | Lekaneng | Leondale | Leralia | Libradene | Lienksfield | Lifatenc | Lilianton |  Lienksfield | Lifatenc | Lilianton| Lilyvale |Limbro | Lienksfield | Lifatenc | Lilianton | Lilyvale| Linbro| Linksview | Linlord | Mackensie | Maklelong | Maokeng | Mapleton | Marias Steyn Park | Maraister| Maryvlei | Mashimong | Meadow Brook | Meadow Dale | Mimosa Park | Minnebron | Mngadi| Modderbee | Modderfontein | Moedi | Morehill | Morgan Ridge | Moriting | Morelands | Moteong | Mpho | Mpilisweni | Mqantsa | Muswelldale | Nedeveen | Nestpark | New Era | New Established Areas | New Modder | New State Areas| Nigel | Nimrod | Norkem | Northmead | Norton Park | Nortons | Nuffield | Oranjehof | Parkdene | Parkhill | Parkrand | Paul Krugers Resort | Petersfield | Petite | Phola | Pinelands | Pirowville | Plantation | Platkop | Pollak Park | Pomona | Potsdam | Presidents | Pretorius Stad | Primrose | Prospenta | Putfontein | Pyneville | Rand Colleries | Randklip | Ravensklip | Reeston | Reiger Park | Restonvale | Rhodefield| Rietfontein | Rondebult | Roodekop | Rosherville | Rowhill | Rustivia | Rynefield | Rynsoord | Sallies Village | Sebenza | Sedibeng | Sefikeng | Selcourt | Selomlambo | Selpark | Sentrarand | Seotloana | Servaas | Sesfontein | Sethebe | Sethokga | Settlements | Shangrila | Sharon Park | Simmerfield | Slaterville | Solheim | Sonneveld | Spartan | Spitskop | Springs | Spruit View Leonda | Spryutsrus | Stofberg | Strubensvale | Struisbult | Sub Nigel | Summerfield | Sunair | Sundra | Sunningridge | Sunnyrock | Sunward | Sunwood | Symhurst | Teanong | Tedstone Village | Tembisa| Temong | Terenure | The Stewards | Thiteng | Thornill | Tlamatlama | Tsenolong | Tsepo| Tunney | Tweefontein | Tylden | Ulana Park | Umfunyaneni | Umnonjaneni | Umthabeka | Union | Urana | Vaalrand | Van Dyks Park | Van RiebeeckPark | Van Ryn | Ventershof | Wadeville | Westdene | Wilbart | Windmill Park | Witfield | Withok Estates | Zesfontein | Apex | Bakertong | Bapsfontein

    Give us a call on 011 609 9288